Patient Satisfaction

Inefficiencies in healthcare often lead to loss of patients, legal issues, low staff morale, lower revenue, and more. And if there is one single solution and problem that we can think of for all these issues then that is- patient satisfaction. 

With the advancement in the healthcare industry, there has been a rise in the expectations of patients which if not met, leads to patient dissatisfaction, leading to all the aforementioned problems. So how can you improve patient satisfaction? What is and why is it so important? Keep on reading to find out!

Patient satisfaction shows the extent by which a patient is happy with your healthcare services. The term is often confused with patient experience but patient satisfaction is based on expectations they might have with a healthcare provider, whereas patient experience is entirely based on a patient’s perception of the service they have received from the healthcare provider.

Importance of Patient Satisfaction

Here are some of the major reasons why patient satisfaction in healthcare is important:

Word of mouth is still one of the best forms of marketing and satisfied patients are more likely to spread the word about your healthcare service to their known people. Hence, patient satisfaction is important in attracting more patients. 

It is logical to deduce that a satisfied patient is more likely to keep choosing the same healthcare provider if they are satisfied with them, whereas the ones who are dissatisfied might look for alternatives next time. Therefore, patient satisfaction can lead to an increased patient retention rate. 

We have established that patient satisfaction leads to patient retention and also helps in getting more patients. And when this happens, you basically get more business, which helps in increasing your revenue and profits. 

The healthcare industry, much like any other industry, is highly competitive today, so you must do everything possible to keep your patients satisfied. Since satisfied patients are more likely to come back to you, it is important to meet their expectations. 

The medical literature tells that patients who are satisfied with the service and care provided by the healthcare facility are less likely to sue, saving them hefty unexpected expenses. 

There is a direct correlation between the effectiveness of a treatment and patient satisfaction. Staff members and nurses who can build patient trust can increase the outcome of patient treatment. 

Healthcare-related jobs can be quite stressful because of the workload and majorly because of how difficult it can be to deal with certain patients. But by increasing patient satisfaction you can create a better and positive environment in your facility, which can lead to an increase in staff morale and therefore boost their performance.  

Every single interaction that a patient has with your healthcare service or facility can affect patient satisfaction. From how the patients are greeted to how the waiting room looks, every little thing plays an important role in this. Let us have a look at the list of most common things that can affect the patient experience:

  • Expectations of care
  • Cleanliness
  • Communication with the staff and physician
  • Responsiveness of staff and physician
  • Timeliness of phone calls, appointments and results
  • Attire
  • Pain management, etc.

A few ways in which you can improve patient satisfaction in health care are:

Hospital visits can be an anxious time for patients, and long waiting times is therefore a leading cause of patient dissatisfaction. So as a healthcare provider you must show respect for your patient’s time. And in case you are running late, then inform the customer beforehand to give them a heads up or apologize for the delay to show that you care.

Right from your first interaction with the patient, set clear expectations. Ask open-ended questions and find out what is the concern of the patient. From their appointment to the procedure of the treatment to aftercare, you must be transparent. This would set a roadmap for the patient and would allow them to know what they can expect next, leading to a smooth process and higher satisfaction.

Some patients feel too shy or anxious to share their concerns clearly. To avoid this, try to make the patient comfortable by taking their mind off their concern. And try to put emphasis on clear communication by avoiding medical jargon and by being a good listener. Making your patient comfortable with communication is one of the best ways to increase patient satisfaction.

In times of uncertainty, patients want to be heard and responded to. So to increase patient satisfaction, you will need to be responsive beyond the confines of your facility or clinic. This includes taking patient calls and replying to their queries, results, and concerns promptly via SMS, emails, or calls. To accomplish this easily, you can use these top patient communication software. 

No matter how much effort you put into other things, an untidy, unhygienic clinic or hospital would put off a patient immediately. This is because a hospital or clinic is the last place a patient would expect to be unhygienic. So make sure you maintain cleanliness at all times. 

The pain after the completion of a surgery or delivery could be quite taxing to deal with. Discuss and inform your patients as to what they can expect in terms of pain and what medications or steps they can take to reduce it. This will prepare them and will improve the patient’s satisfaction

Last but not least, after the completion of the patient’s treatment send out patient satisfaction surveys to them. This simple yet effective step shows that you care and appreciate your patient’s input. Patient surveys can also allow you to see what’s working and what’s not to implement change. You can use Emitrr, one of the best patient communication tools to automate surveys and other patient communication-related duties.

Now that you have a comprehensive knowledge of patient satisfaction and its importance, you might be wondering how to measure patient satisfaction- an intangible thing. 

Well, a patient satisfaction survey is a proven and effective way to achieve this. Patient surveys can be quite versatile, and they can capture the little aspects of a patient journey. This includes finding out the ease of initial contact, the effectiveness of communication, quality of treatment, and aftercare, etc. By gathering such useful insights from your patients you can easily determine where you are lacking and what can be improved. 

A patient satisfaction survey form includes questions that are used to collect feedback from patients to find out if they are satisfied with the care and service provided to them. Key metrics that a patient satisfaction survey should be based on include:

  • Medical care quality
  • Accessibility of care
  • Interpersonal skills of healthcare professionals
  • Financial aspect of care
  • Transparency in communication
  • Access to medical care professionals and doctors 

You can send out a patient satisfaction survey using a healthcare communication tool like Emitrr via your phone or computer, via POS device, paper, EHR, EMR, etc. 

Let us take an example of a generic patient satisfaction survey. This type of survey is done to collect feedback on the overall experience of the patient related to the care that they received. Such a survey could include questions like:

  • How would you rate the customer service? 
  • How would you rate the doctor’s attentiveness and care? 
  • How would you rate the nurse’s attentiveness and courtesy? 
  • Did the provider involve you in the decision-making process for your treatment?
  • Were your safety, comfort, and privacy is taken care of during your visit? 
  • Did the provider communicate the potential side effects of the treatment clearly? 
  • Were you given clear instructions regarding aftercare and follow-up appointments? 
  • How likely are you to recommend the facility to your friends and family? 
  • How likely are you to recommend the facility to your family and friends? 
  • Any areas of improvement that you would like to highlight?
  • Any other feedback that you would like to give? 

Emitrr offers capabilities that can help you streamline the process of sharing and collecting patient satisfaction surveys with your patients via SMS and email. They also offer medical forms that you can easily download, customize, and share with your patients. 

So the way this works is as soon as a patient leaves your healthcare facility after availing any treatment, an automated message is sent to them asking them for feedback 

With effective prompts offered by Emitrr, you can easily gather actionable feedback from your patients and work on anything that needs improvement. 

What are the 4 pillars of patient satisfaction? 

Expectations, environment, care and value are the four pillars of patient experience. 

What is the Hcahps score?

The Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Survey, or Hcahps is a tool that is used to measure patient satisfaction in healthcare. This score helps in accessing the quality of care and treatment that patients receive nationwide. 

What leads to patient satisfaction? 

Every little and big thing, right from the way you greet your customers to the way you communicate, to the quality of treatment you offer. Every positive little step of the patient journey leads to patient satisfaction. 

With the advent of search engines, and advanced tools and technology the practice of medicine has changed dramatically. And this can even be seen in the way patients have set expectations from healthcare providers.

So in order to make your clinic or hospital number one today, you will have to focus on patient satisfaction and experience, among other things. And one of the best and time-saving ways to increase patient satisfaction easily is by sending out patient survey forms. Reach out to Emitrr, which is a comprehensive healthcare tool, and utilise it for your success. 

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