50+ Downloadable Recruiting Text Templates for a Comprehensive Candidate Journey

Recruitment in the digital age has transformed the way companies interact with potential candidates. Among the plethora of communication channels available, recruitment texts have emerged as a powerful tool as regular text communication with candidates throughout their journey has been shown to improve job acceptance rates as well as boost job satisfaction. 

In this blog, we’ll explore real-world examples of successful recruiting text templates, exploring their benefits, and best practices. 

Text messaging might not match the use cases of various recruitment portals. Still, it surely is an excellent mode of communication to connect with candidates and ensure a seamless recruitment process. 

Here are some reasons why you should use texting for recruitment: 

recruitment text template

We will be covering the following templates in this article: 

  1. 6 ‘We are hiring’ recruiting text templates
  2. 9 recruiting text templates for Interview
  3. 4 Assignment SMS templates
  4. 9 Document verification/Reference SMS Templates
  5. 8 Job Offer Recruiting SMS Templates
  6. 5 Job starting SMS templates
  7. 10 Job timecard SMS templates
  8. Others

Hello [candidate name], I’m [name], a recruiter representing [company]. Our team is currently seeking a skilled [job title] and we believe that your background aligns well with what we’re looking for. Kindly respond and indicate whether you’d like to explore further details about this opportunity!

Hello [Candidate Name], 
Exciting news! [Company Name] has recently established a new branch in [Location], and we are currently in search of an expert in [work field]. Feel free to respond to this message if you’re interested in further details about this exciting opportunity.
Looking forward to hearing from you! 
Best regards, [Your Name]

🌟 New Job Opportunity Alert! 🌟 Looking for a career change? Our client, [Company Name], is seeking a [Position] to join their passionate team. If you have the skills and experience, we want to hear from you! Learn more and apply now: [Job Posting Link]. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity! 🚀” Team [Company Name]

Hello there!
🚀 Ready for a new career journey? We’re thrilled to announce an incredible opportunity at [Company Name] for the role of [Job Title]. If you’re passionate about [Relevant Skill/Industry] and want to make an impact, this could be your moment.
Apply today: [Application Link]
Best regards, [Your Name]

Gracias por llamanos al respecto a su busqueda de trabajo. Tenemos un proceso que empieza con: Verificacion de sus documentos para trabajar legalmente en los EU., referencias de sus empleos mas recenties, y pasar un Examen de Drogas. Si puede proceder, por favor de seleccionar el enlace y llenar una solicitud: [URL] Tendra que crear una cuenta nueva usando su correo electronico, crear un nombre de usuario y clave para su perfil. En cuanto termine su solicitud le dara opcion de selccionar oficinas – favor de eligir [office name]. Muchas gracias

Good morning, [First Name]. this is [office name]. We previously spoke about your job search but haven’t been able to reconnect. We have multiple clients w/ open positions so wanted to check back & see if you’re still available & looking for work? pls let us know & we’ll be happy to help! Thank you!

Hello [candidate name], this is [office name]. I wanted to thank-you for applying to the job opening at [company name] your application is still incomplete request you to access [URL] and complete the application process, Thank you!

Good morning [First Name], from [office name] . We received your resume via ZipRecruiter & have current open positions! Please give us a call back @ [phone number] & we’ll be happy to help you find work in the local area. Thank you & hope to hear from you soon! 

Hello! This is [office name] reminding you to please send an updated resume to us at [email id]. Any questions? Please feel free to reach out. Thank you! We look forward to working with you!

Hi [First Name]! I am looking forward to meeting and learning more about you at your interview with [company name]! Here are the interview details: [Date] [Time] [address] Please don’t hesitate with any additional questions.

Good Evening Name, I am looking forward to our 20 min phone interview we have scheduled for tomorrow morning at *****. To Confirm or Cancel this appointment please reply “Confirm or Cancel”. To reschedule this appointment please reply “Reschedule”

Hola [Nombre del Candidato], Espero que estés bien. Estamos emocionados de continuar con tu proceso de selección para el puesto de [Nombre del Puesto] en [Nombre de la Compañía]. Hemos programado una entrevista telefónica para ti. Emocionados! Entrevista para [Puesto]: 🗓️ [Fecha] 🕒 [Hora] 📞 [Teléfono]📍[Instrucciones] Confirma, ¡hablamos pronto! Saludos, [Tu Nombre] [company details]

Good morning {{firstName}} , it is important that you are accurately compensated for your interview time today. Please text us after your interview to confirm how long the interview was: -Interview Start Time-Interview End Time. We will confirm this with the client and send a form via email for your acknowledgement. Thank you and good luck! We look forward to hearing how it goes.

Hello [Candidate’s Name], We’re thrilled to invite you to an interview for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. Your application has impressed us, and we’d love to learn more about you. 🗓️ Date: [Interview Date] 🕒 Time: [Interview Time] 📍 Location: [Interview Location], Kindly confirm your availability by replying to this message.

Hello! This is Express Employment Professionals. This is a reminder you have a scheduled interview with – Date, Time, and Address. Please make sure all onboarding documents are complete. If you are unable to make the scheduled interview please call our office at [contact number]. Thank you and have a wonderful day!

Hello [candidate name], I am looking forward to the 20-minute phone interview we have scheduled for today. To Confirm or Cancel this appointment please reply with “Confirm or Cancel”  To reschedule this appointment please reply “Reschedule”. Thank you! [Recruiter name], [Recruiting Specialist]

Good morning, [First Name]. This is [office name]. We previously spoke about your job search but haven’t been able to reconnect. We have multiple clients w/ open positions so wanted to check back & see if you’re still available & looking for work? pls let us know & we’ll be happy to help! Thank you!

Dear {{firstName}},  Reminder! Your assignment with __ as __ starts on __. @ _______am/pm Sharp!! Please arrive on time and in the proper attire. Congrats, once again!  Best Regards,

Hello [First Name], we’ve sent the detailed email for your assignment. Please review the details & reply back you accept, are confirmed to start [DAY @ TIME] at [CLIENT COMPANY NAME]? *NOTE: you should also have an email from [company name] on our behalf, which will provide a 1 hour anti-harassment training session online that you’re required to complete. You will be paid for your time, so please be sure to complete that ASAP, before your assignment starts, Thank you!

Hi [First Name], how was your first day @ [CLIENT NAME]? Hopefully, everything went well? Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding your assignment or the work responsibilities & confirm if you’ll be returning tomorrow @ [START TIME]? Thank you.

Hi [First Name], as a next step in the hiring process with [company name] we have sent an assignment to your email, this should take 15-20 mins, kindly complete the same within 48 hours, Thank you and good luck! We look forward to hearing how it goes.

Hello [First Name], We’d like to make you aware of our new Vaccination Policy in which we are required to collect the current vaccination status of all associates. Please respond to this text with your vaccination status and a photo of your vaccination card/proof of full vaccination? 1). Fully Vaccinated (1 dose of J&J, 2 dose Moderna or Pfizer) 2) Partially vaccinated, 2nd Dose Scheduled for “DATE” 3) Not Vaccinated Associates who are not fully vaccinated as of February 9th will be required to wear a mask indoors, socially distant, and undergo weekly testing (info to come) Thank you!

Hello {{firstName}}, this is [office name]. We received your information from (Associate Name), they listed you as a reference from (Company Name). Are you able to please give us a call to answer a few questions? It will take no more than 5 minutes. Thank you, we look forward to hearing from you!

Hi [Candidate’s Name], Exciting times! To proceed with the [Job Position] opportunity via [Recruitment Agency], we need- Your Updated Resume/CV, (Optional) Cover Letter, Relevant Certifications, and Academic Transcripts. Share these docs with us at [Email Address]. Let’s make your career journey amazing! Questions? Reach out anytime. Best, [Your Name] [Contact Info]

Hello [Candidate’s Name], We trust you’re gearing up for an exciting career move with [Recruitment Agency]. Just a quick reminder to send in the requested documents for the [Job Position] opportunity. Your updated Resume/CV, optional Cover Letter, relevant Certifications, and Academic Transcripts. Kindly share these with us at [Email Address] when you can. Feel free to reach out with any queries. Warm regards, [Your Name]

Good morning [First Name] Pls send us your bank name, routing & account # info so we can set up your Direct Deposit as soon as possible. We’d like to get that into the system for you ASAP. Typically Direct Deposit takes about 2-3 weeks to go through. Pls keep an eye out on your bank account for a $0.01 deposit. When you see that, the next paycheck will be auto deposited. Pls let us know if you have any Qs. Thank you!

Buenas dias [First Name] por favor de enviarnos su información de Banco para poder actualizar su expediente y depósito directo. Ejemplo: Nombre de banco, numero de ruta, y número de cuenta, sera necesario en el estado de CA. Muchas gracias! **NOTA: Tomará 2-3 semanas para que se actualice en nuestro sistema, en cuanto vea un depósito de $0.01 sera indicación que al proximo cheque tendrá depósito directo.

Due to the current COVID situation, we want to make sure everyone’s safe. Pls answer the below: 1) Have you tested positive for COVID in the last 14 days? 2) Have you been in contact w/ anyone who tested positive for COVID in the last 14 days? 3) Are you aware of any COVID exposure you might have had in the last 14 days? 4) In the last 14 days have you had a fever > 100.4? Coughing? Shortness of Breath? Difficulty breathing? Chills? Loss of taste/smell? 5) In the last 14 days, have you been out of the country, via plane or ship? We’ll wait for your response to clear you to start. Thank you!!

Debido a la situación actual de COVID, queremos asegurarnos de que todos estén seguros. Por favor, responde lo siguiente: 1) ¿Has dado positivo en la prueba de COVID en los últimos 14 días? 2) ¿Has estado en contacto con alguien que haya dado positivo en la prueba de COVID en los últimos 14 días? 3) ¿Tienes conocimiento de alguna exposición al COVID que hayas tenido en los últimos 14 días? 4) ¿En los últimos 14 días has tenido fiebre > 100.4? ¿Tos? ¿Dificultad para respirar? ¿Dificultad respiratoria? ¿Escalofríos? ¿Pérdida de gusto/olfato? 5) ¿En los últimos 14 días has estado fuera del país, en avión o en barco? Esperaremos tu respuesta para autorizarte a comenzar. ¡Gracias!

Hi, [First Name], you are able to request a copy of your W2 form to be sent to you from this web page via the email we have on file in your record: expresspros.com/duplicatew2 Thank you & have a wonderful day.

Hola, [Nombre], puede solicitar que se le envíe una copia de su formulario W2 desde esta página web a través del correo electrónico que tenemos registrado en su registro: expresspros.com/duplicatew2 Gracias y que tenga un día maravilloso.

Hi [Candidate’s Name], This is [Your Name] from [Recruitment Agency]. Just confirming that we’ve received your docs.  Thanks for moving forward with us! We’re reviewing everything now. Any questions, feel free to ask at [Your Contact Info]. Best, [Your Name]

Hi [Applicant’s Name], Awesome news – you’ve secured the [Job Title] role at [Company Name]! 🚀 Get ready to shine starting on [Start Date] at [Reporting Time] in [Location]. Any questions? Just ask.  Cheers, [Your Name]

Big congrats, [candidate name] 🎉 We’re thrilled to extend the role of [job title] at [company name] to you. Your contributions will be invaluable to our team. Expect an email soon, including the official offer. Eagerly awaiting your response! – [Recruiter name]

Hi [Candidate’s Name], Congratulations! 🥳 We’re thrilled to extend a job offer for the [Job Title] position with [Company Name]. Your skills and experience truly impressed us, and we believe you’ll make a significant impact on our team. 📅 Start Date: [Start Date] 💼 Position: [Job Title] 🏢 Company: [Company Name] 📍Location: [Location] Please reply to this message to confirm your acceptance and to discuss the next steps. Warm regards, [Your Name], [Your Contact Information]

Hello [Candidate Name], I appreciate you investing your time in meeting our team regarding the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. Regrettably, the decision has been made to proceed with an alternative candidate. Rest assured, I’ll be glad to reconnect with you when new job openings emerge in the future. Thank you for your interest and understanding. Best regards, [Your Name]

Good morning {{firstName}}! This is [office name]. We look forward to meeting you in the office this afternoon at [TIME]! Please be sure to bring your documentation that proves your identity and eligibility to work in the U.S so we may finish your onboarding and discuss employment opportunities! We’re located at: [address]* Please respond to confirm your appointment. Thank you & see you soon!

Hello {{firstName}}, thank you so much for stopping by to meet with us at [address] today. We appreciate the opportunity to be a resource for job search! Please give us a follow below: Instagram: [URL], Facebook: [URL]

Good afternoon, [candidate name]! We are doing an audit of our database and noticed that you have not completed your sexual harassment training. This training needs to be completed by 8:00 am on Monday, 10/24. Please use this link: [URL], Username, Password, Thank you! [name]

🎉 Bravo [Trainee’s Name]! You nailed the [training name] training! Thank you for completing in time. We’re here for your career journey, anytime. Best, [Your Name], Please use this link: [URL] , Username, Password, Thank you! [name]

 Job Start Alert! Hello [Candidate], Your journey with [Company] begins on [Start Date] at [Start Time] sharp! 🚀🏢 Location: [Location], See you soon and best of luck for an amazing start! Cheers, [Your Name]

Hi [First Name], how was your first day @ [CLIENT NAME]? Hopefully everything went well? Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding your assignment or the work responsibilities & confirm if you’ll be returning tomorrow @ [START TIME]? Thank you

Hola [Nombre], ¿cómo fue tu primer día en [NOMBRE DEL CLIENTE]? ¡Esperamos que todo haya ido bien! Por favor, avísanos si tienes alguna pregunta o inquietud sobre tu tarea o responsabilidades laborales, y confirma si volverás mañana a las [HORA DE INICIO]. Gracias.

Good morning {{firstName}}. Reminder that [CHECK-IN PERSON NAME] @ [CLIENT COMPANY NAME] will be expecting you for your start this morning @ [START TIME]. Please let us know when you’re on your way & have arrived to: [CLIENT ADDRESS].

Buenos días, {{nombre}}. Recordatorio de que [NOMBRE DE LA PERSONA DE REGISTRO] en [NOMBRE DE LA EMPRESA CLIENTE] estará esperándote para tu inicio esta mañana a las [HORA DE INICIO]. Por favor, avísanos cuando estés en camino y hayas llegado a: [DIRECCIÓN DEL CLIENTE].

Hi [First Name], [company name] is expecting to see you tomorrow @ 9 AM at [address] kindly respond with “on my way” when you leave for the job, please respond in case of any queries Thank you.

Hi [First Name], how was your first day @ [CLIENT NAME]? Hopefully everything went well? Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding your assignment or the work responsibilities & confirm if you’ll be returning tomorrow @ [START TIME]? Thank you.

Good afternoon & happy Friday! Just a friendly reminder to please double check and submit your timecard the last day you worked or by Monday at 8AM!*ANNOUNCEMENT, Submit your timecard by 8AM on Monday and your name gets entered into a raffle! We pull the winner every Thursday. Winner gets a $25.00 visa gift card!! BEST OF LUCK!!

¡Buenas tardes y feliz viernes! Solo un recordatorio amigable para que por favor verifiques y envíes tu hoja de tiempo el último día que trabajaste o antes del lunes a las 8 AM.*ANUNCIO: ¡Envía tu hoja de tiempo antes de las 8 AM del lunes y tu nombre participará en un sorteo! Anunciamos al ganador todos los jueves. ¡El ganador recibirá una tarjeta de regalo Visa de $25.00! ¡MUCHA SUERTE!

Hello {{firstName}}, please note we are experiencing a glitch in our [company name] Jobs App so you may be unable to enter your hours for today. Can you please call or text us in your hours for today, Friday 10/23 as soon as possible? Thank you!

Good afternoon {{firstName}}! I just gave you a call and left a voicemail because we noticed that there are no hours on your timecard yet this week! Please remember to enter in your hours as you go. If you have any questions, you can give us a call at [contact number]. Thank you!

Good afternoon & happy Thursday! Congratulations to NAME for submitting his/her timecard on time and winning this week’s raffle for a $50 VISA gift card! Please remember to submit your timecard on the last day you worked or Monday before 8AM the latest to be entered in next week’s raffle for a chance to win! Thank you to everyone who submitted their timecard on time. Have a great day!

¡Buenas tardes y feliz jueves! ¡Felicitaciones a NOMBRE por enviar su hoja de tiempo a tiempo y ganar la rifa de esta semana de una tarjeta de regalo VISA de $50! Por favor, recuerda enviar tu hoja de tiempo el último día que trabajaste o a más tardar el lunes antes de las 8 AM para participar en la rifa de la próxima semana y tener la oportunidad de ganar. Gracias a todos los que enviaron su hoja de tiempo a tiempo. ¡Que tengan un excelente día!

Good morning and happy Friday! A reminder to please make sure your hours are correct and complete Monday before 12:00 pm. If not sent on time, your paycheck will be late! Thank you!

¡Buenos días y feliz viernes! Un recordatorio para asegurarte de que tus horas estén correctas y completas el lunes antes de las 12:00 pm. ¡Si no se envían a tiempo, tu cheque de pago estará atrasado! ¡Gracias!

Due to the holiday next week your online timecard must be submitted ASAP. Please make sure you have completed your online time card and selected submit as soon as your work week is done. Our deadline for hours is 10 am on Monday. If you do not have hours to report for December 14-20 respond here. If you have any questions please call our office at [contact number]

Debido al feriado de la próxima semana, tu hoja de tiempo en línea debe ser enviada lo antes posible. Asegúrate de completar tu hoja de tiempo en línea y seleccionar “enviar” tan pronto como termine tu semana laboral. Nuestra fecha límite para las horas es a las 10 am del lunes. Si no tienes horas que reportar para el 14 al 20 de diciembre, responde aquí. Si tienes alguna pregunta, por favor llama a nuestra oficina al [número de contacto].

Good morning! Please verify that your hours are correct and submit your timecard as soon as possible so we can ensure that you are paid correctly and on time. If you have any questions, you can give the office a call at [contact number]. Thank you!

¡Buenos días! Por favor, verifica que tus horas sean correctas y envía tu hoja de tiempo tan pronto como sea posible para asegurarnos de que se te pague de manera correcta y puntual. Si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes llamar a la oficina al [número de contacto]. ¡Gracias!Good morning & happy Monday! Please ensure your hours are correct and fully submitted by 12pm today at the LATEST! ATTENTION: If not submitted by 12pm today your paycheck will be DELAYED! Thank you!

Good morning & happy Monday! Please ensure your hours are correct and fully submitted by 12pm today at the LATEST! ATTENTION: If not submitted by 12pm today your paycheck will be DELAYED! Thank you!

¡Buenas tardes! Por favor, asegúrate de que tus horas sean correctas y estén completas antes de las 8:00 am los lunes. Si no envías tu tarjeta de tiempo antes de las 8:00 am del lunes, ¡corres el riesgo de que tu cheque de pago se retrase! Gracias.

Hi [First Name], hope you’re feeling better. Thanks for making the request. FYI: we comply with Calif Labor Law. You accrue sick pay while working on EXP assignments & they’re eligible for use after you’ve worked w/ us for 3 mos. We’ll be happy to run your report & apply any available hours & update you after payroll is completed for this week. Thank you

Hello [First Name], checking in to see how you’re doing? Hopefully feeling better? Pls let us know if the client should expect you @ work tomorrow? Thank you.

Hola [Nombre], estamos verificando cómo te sientes. ¿Esperamos que te sientas mejor? Por favor, avísanos si el cliente debe esperarte en el trabajo mañana. Gracias.

Good morning [First Name] & HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you have a wonderful day & best wishes from all of us here at [company details]!

Good afternoon {{firstName}} & happy Thursday! We will have a check available for you in the office tomorrow (Friday, DATE) for last week’s work! Please let us know when you would like to pick up your check? Our office hours are Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm. Thank you and have a great day!

Let’s understand the best practices to consider while sending recruitment texts, ensuring you create a positive and impactful candidate experience.

  1. Always Be Professional: Maintaining a professional tone in your recruitment texts is essential. Remember, these messages are often a candidate’s first interaction with your company. A courteous and respectful approach reflects well on your employer brand and sets the tone for the candidate relationship.
  2. Collect Consent and avoid Spamming: Before sending recruitment texts, ensure you have the candidate’s consent to do so. This not only adheres to regulations like the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) but also shows respect for candidates’ communication preferences.
  3. Keep Messages Short: In a world of information overload, brevity is key. Craft concise and to-the-point messages that communicate the essential details without overwhelming the candidate.
  4. Avoid External Links and Content: Recruitment texts should keep candidates within the message. Avoid including links or content that might take them away from the text, unless absolutely necessary. This helps maintain a seamless and focused communication experience.
  5. Utilize Your Business Number: Whenever possible, use your official business number for recruitment texts. This enables candidates to reply directly to the message, fostering a two-way communication channel that feels more personal.
  6. Include a Signature: A professional signature at the end of the message adds a human touch. Include your name, title, and company to provide context and credibility to the message.
  7. Timing Matters: Respect candidates’ personal time by sending texts at appropriate hours. Avoid early mornings or late evenings, as these times might be inconvenient or intrusive.
  8. Automate for Efficiency: Recruitment processes often involve numerous communications. Consider using automation tools like Emitrr, which can integrate with various ATS platforms and job boards, streamlining your communication efforts.
  9. Ensure 10DLC Registration: For improved deliverability and compliance, make sure your texting number is registered under the 10DLC (10-Digit Long Code) system.
  10. Leverage Data and Analytics: Use data from your recruitment campaigns to gain insights into what’s working and what’s not. Adjust your approach based on analytics to continually enhance your communication strategy.
  11. Clean Your Database: Regularly update and clean your candidate database to ensure accurate information and avoid sending texts to incorrect or outdated contacts.
  12. Personalize Your Messages: Personalization goes a long way in capturing candidates’ attention. Use the candidate’s name and reference specific job roles or qualifications to make the message more relevant.
  13. Respond Promptly: If a candidate responds to your recruitment text, make sure to reply promptly. Quick responses demonstrate your company’s commitment and respect for candidates’ time.

By adhering to these best practices, you can craft recruitment texts that are not only effective in conveying information but also create a positive and respectful candidate experience. 

If you really want to make the most of texting to reach out to candidates, you need good business texting software that will help you reach your hiring goals faster. With a texting service like Emitrr, you can:

  • Reach out to multiple candidates at once by sending a mass text message
  • Schedule text messages to be sent out at later dates and even customize those messages using recruiting text templates 
  • Send automated reminders and follow-up messages to candidates 
  • Manage all your conversations in one single inbox 

Learn more about Emitrr’s texting capabilities here

Here’s what our customers have to say about the software

recruiting sms templates
recruitment sms template

You can read the detailed reviews of the software here.

How to write a good recruitment message?

To write a good recruitment message, include the candidate’s name, introduce yourself and the company, tell why the candidate caught your attention, mention the job role and finally add a CTA.

What is an example of a good recruiting message?

Here’s an example of a good recruiting message: “Hi [Candidate’s Name], I came across your profile and was impressed by your experience in [specific skill or industry]. We currently have an exciting opportunity at our company that I believe would be a great fit for you. I’d love to discuss this further with you. Are you available for a brief chat this week?”

How to automate SMS for recruitment?

If you wish to send recruitment SMS to mass people at once with the option to receive messages back and carry on the conversation, then you should consider using a software like Emitrr.

Well, we hope that we have provided you with enough templates to download and put into use. In addition, if you seek assistance to streamline workflows at your agency, you need a texting solution like Emitrr.

Are you looking forward to getting started with Emitrr’s advanced texting capabilities? Well, reach out to us and find a solution tailored to your needs! 


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