Urgent Care Release Form


What is an Urgent Care Release Form?

An urgent care release form is a document that is signed by patients upon receiving medical treatment at an urgent care center. This form typically states that the patient has received medical treatment at the center and that the urgent care is being released from any liability for providing the said treatment.

This form is signed by the patient and includes their medical history, details of care provided, and follow-up care necessary for the patient’s well-being. The patients should carefully review the urgent care release form before signing it and ensure that they understand the associated legal liabilities and health risks.

What is the Purpose of an Urgent Care Release Form?

An urgent care release form serves several functions: 

  • It acts as a legal proof that protects the urgent care center from any liability that might arise in the case of any complications
  • It keeps a record of the treatment that the patient has received which can be added to their medical history for future use
  • It ensures the safety of both the patients and the providers 

What are the Benefits of an Urgent Care Release Form?

Who Fills out an Urgent Care Release Form?

This form is typically completed by the patient who is receiving treatment at the urgent care center, details such as the personal patient information, medical history, contact information and details of their primary physician have to be provided by the patient. 

In a situation where the patient is unable to sign the form themselves, an authorised representative, or legal guardian might do so on their behalf.

What all Details does an Urgent Care Release Form Include? 

This form includes the following details: 

  • Personal details of the patient: name, date of birth, contact information, address 
  • Details of the treatment received 
  • Date and time of treatment 
  • Statement acknowledging that the patient has received a particular treatment and that he/she is releasing the urgent care center from any liability 
  • Information regarding medical history and follow-up care 
  • Signature of the patient 

What are the Legal Ramifications of an Urgent Care Release Form?

This form acts as a legally binding document that states that the urgent care center will not be liable in case of any complications that might arise after providing treatment. By signing the form, the patient is agreeing to the terms of the urgent care center and giving up certain legal rights.

If the patient faces any complications in health post receiving treatment at the center, they usually cannot act upon it as they have already signed the urgent care release form. Such a form can be used as evidence in court and can back the urgent care center in case of any adversaries in the patient’s health after providing treatment. Hence, patients are advised to carefully read through the terms and conditions mentioned in the form before signing it, and even avail legal assistance if needed.