ACP Form


What is an ACP form?

Short for Advanced Care Planning, the ACP form highlights a patient’s healthcare preferences and treatment goals, in case the patient is severely injured or ill and is not able to communicate the same. An ACP form includes a variety of documents such as the patient’s will, a do-not-resuscitate order, and the healthcare power of attorney. The patient must share the ACP form with their loved ones so that in case of serious injury, they know about the form and can act accordingly. Also, they must discuss the same with their healthcare provider, family members and attorney to ensure that their wishes and preferences are being followed while providing care. 

Why is an ACP form important?

An ACP form is important as it allows the patient to specify their preferences regarding medical treatment as well as the end-of-life care. If a patient is unable to communicate their wishes, this form will back them up, and ensure that the patient’s healthcare provider and family members are well aware of their preferences. These people can then make informed decisions with respect to providing the best possible care to the patient. 

What are the benefits of an ACP form?

There are several benefits of this form: 

  • It ensures that the wishes and preferences of the patient are being followed 
  • It takes the burden of making difficult decisions off the family’s shoulders 
  • It helps the provider offer tailored care 
  • It provides legal protection to the patient 
  • It avoids conflicts among the family members and helps in informed decision-making 

What details are included in an ACP form? 

An ACP form typically includes the following information: 

  • Name and contact information of the patient 
  • Patient’s values and beliefs regarding healthcare 
  • Preferences for treatments and procedures 
  • End of life care goals 
  • Name of persons who should be making decisions on behalf of the patient 
  • Specific instructions for care (Pain management/spiritual support)
  • Location for care (Home/healthcare facility)