SMS Broadcast Software

An SMS Broadcast is simply a text message sent out to a large list of contacts. Also known as bulk SMS or mass text, this type of messaging is widely used by businesses to communicate important information, send promotional messages, and dispatch notifications to a broad audience. It’s an efficient and cost-effective way to reach many people compared to other communication channels.

In this blog, we’ll explore the top five SMS broadcast software options that can help you streamline your messaging strategy. These tools allow you to create and upload a list of recipients, craft your message, and send it to all recipients simultaneously. Let’s dive into the advantages, features, and best practices of using SMS broadcasting software to enhance your business communications.

2-way text messagingYesYesYesYesYes
Group Text MessagingYesYesNoNo No
Online SchedulingYesNoNoNoNo
Webchat To TextYesYesNoNoNo
Missed Calls to TextYesNoNoNoNo
Google Business MessagesYesNoNoNoNo
Facebook MessengerYesNoNoNoNo
Voicemail TranscriptionYesNoNoNoNo
Schedule-based textingYesNoNoNoNo
Broadcast/Bulk SMSYesYesYesYesYes
Location-Based InteractionsYesNoNoNoNo
Reviews + Reputation YesNoNoNoNo
Automated No show follow upYesNoNoNoNo
Digital FormsYesNoNoNoNo
Birthday wishes automationYesNoNoNoNo
24/7 Support – live chat, call, emailYesLimited LimitedLimitedLimited
Emitrr Logo

Emitrr is one of the best in class SMS software that offers a variety of features such as sending personalized messages, bulk/mass texting, reminders, confirmations, online scheduling, missed call to text, group texting and more. Along with a vast range of features, Emitrr also offers the most efficient support channels for better user engagement. Emitrr’s features ensure customer satisfaction and high level of customer engagement which is vital for businesses. 

  • Two-Way Texting: Communicate efficiently with two-way texting.
  • SMS Broadcast: Send broadcast SMS to a list of contacts.
  • Group Texting: Improve teamwork with group texting.
  • Text Alerts: Get instant alerts for urgent situations.
  • Mass Texting: Easily send mass texts for outreach.
  • Customer Surveys: Send online surveys to gather feedback.
  • Automated Review Requests: Automatically request reviews from patients.
  • CRM Integration: Easily integrate your existing CRM system.
  • Unified Review Inbox: Read all review responses in one place.
  • Automated Reminders: Send automated text reminders to customers.
  • No-Show Follow-Up: Follow up on no-shows via text and calls.
  • Payment Follow-Up: Automate payment and cancellation follow-ups.
  • Track Metrics: Monitor missed calls, open rates, and more.
  • Editable SMS Templates: Personalize messages with customizable templates.
  • API and Activity Tracking: Analyze and scale with API and tracking.
  • Landline Texting and 10DLC: Text-enable your landline with 10DLC support.
  • Live Chat: Offer immediate customer support with live chat.
  • Starts at $30 per month(You pay for what you use)
  • Phone
  • Live rep
  • Chat support
  • Email
  • FAQs
  • Knowledge base 

SimpleTexting is a top-notch SMS broadcast software designed to streamline business communication. It allows businesses to effortlessly send mass text messages, manage campaigns, and engage with customers. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, SimpleTexting helps businesses connect with their audience efficiently and effectively.

  • 2-way texting
  • Automated scheduling
  • Texting Campaigns
  • SMS broadcasting
  • Mass Texting
  • Message scheduling
  • Customer Surveys

The pricing plan of SimpleTexting starts at $39 per month.

  • Knowledge Base
  • Limited live support

Textedly is a basic SMS marketing platform that offers standard features for mass texting. While it allows businesses to send bulk messages and manage contact lists, it lacks the advanced tools and flexibility found in other SMS broadcast software. If you’re looking for a simple solution without many bells and whistles, Textedly might be worth considering.

  • Two-way texting 
  • SMS Broadcast
  • Mass Texting
  • Message Scheduling
  • SMS Campaigns

The pricing plan for Textedly starts at $38 per month.

  • Knowledge Base
  • Limited Support
  • FAQs

ClickSend is a versatile communication platform that specializes in SMS broadcasting for businesses. It offers a range of features, including bulk messaging, email-to-SMS, and automated text campaigns, aimed at enhancing customer engagement. With its comprehensive suite of tools and easy-to-use interface, ClickSend provides businesses with efficient ways to manage their communications and reach their audience effectively.

  • 2-way texting 
  • SMS Broadcast 
  • SMS Reminders
  • Campaign Scheduling
  • Mass Texting

The texting plan for ClickSend starts at $20.

  • Knowledge Base
  • Limited Support

TextMagic is a reliable SMS marketing platform designed to streamline business communications. It offers a range of features, including bulk messaging, two-way SMS chat, and automation tools, to help businesses engage with their audience effectively. With its intuitive interface and robust capabilities, TextMagic enables companies to manage their text messaging campaigns efficiently and stay connected with customers.

  • 2-way texting
  • SMS Broadcast
  • Mass Texting
  • Text Reminders
  • Surveys

The pricing plan for TextMagic starts at $0.049 per text message.

  • Knowledge Base
  • FAQs
  • Support – Email, Phone, Live

Here’s a checklist to help you find the Best SMS broadcast software that perfectly aligns with your customer communication and engagement needs. 

Capterra Reviews

When choosing the best SMS broadcast software, reading reviews is essential. Platforms like Capterra provide insights into SMS broadcasting software, comparing options based on ease of use, value for money, pricing, and customer service. Select the message broadcast software that best suits your unique needs.

Integration With Your CRM

Ensure your SMS broadcast system integrates with all your third-party applications. Seamless integration is crucial for the smooth operation of your business, allowing for efficient broadcast SMS messages.

Support Offered

Customer support is a vital consideration when selecting an SMS broadcast service. Whether through email, helpdesk, forums, FAQs, phone support, or live chat, ensure the broadcast texting service offers the support you need.


Compare the pricing of top SMS broadcast software options. Understand if they offer flat rates or per-user pricing, the number of users included, the features offered, and whether training and deployment options are part of the package.


Effective use of SMS broadcasting software requires proper training. Choose a text broadcast service that offers comprehensive training through webinars, live sessions, documentation, videos, or in-person training sessions.

User Experience

Select SMS broadcast software that allows adding multiple numbers and locations with a single inbox for the entire team to avoid confusion in managing broadcast SMS messages.

User Access Level

If you need to add a temporary user for a campaign without granting admin access, opt for an SMS broadcast system that offers varying user access levels. This feature allows you to manage access for different users efficiently.

Ability to Schedule Texts

A critical feature in SMS broadcast services is the ability to schedule messages. Choose a broadcast text message service that allows you to draft messages, set dates, and let the system handle the rest.

Supports Long-code and Short-code Messaging

When evaluating what a broadcast text message is, ensure the software supports both short-code and long-code numbers. Short codes are ideal for promotional texts and reminders, while long codes work well for two-way communication and low-volume messaging.

Now that you are familiar with the benefits of investing in SMS broadcast software, its use cases, and its process; it is time for some best practices to ensure that your campaigns reap profits. 

  1. Always ask permission: Before you add a customer to your campaign list, make sure to ask permission. You can do so by sending them a promotional text that contains an offer. If they reply to you with the suggested keyword on your shortcode, it means they’re on board.  
  2. Send personalized messages: It is important to make each customer feel special. You can do so by personalizing the message as much as possible. An SMS broadcast software comes with a plethora of options for personalization. Before drafting the message, ask yourself: what is in it for the customers? 
  3. Flooding inboxes is a no-no: Set a frequency of you marketing messages that you want to send to your customers. The more frequent the messages are, the riskier it is. Too much flooding can lead to spamming of your messages. 
  4. Timing is crucial: Do not send messages at the wrong hour. As per TCPA, the perfect time to send marketing messages to your customers is between 8 am to 9 pm. So make sure that you adhere to the same. 
  5. Encourage participation: Instead of sending one-way messages, try experimenting with the message copy. Ask questions. Try initiating a discussion. When your customers participate, you’ll get to know about their requirements, and hence you will be able to pitch your product or service to them accordingly. 
  6. Give an option to opt-out: ‘Reply STOP to opt-out’. This is a closing message that you must include in your SMS broadcast message. Doing so will give your subscribers an easy way out if they don’t want to receive notifications from your business. 
  7. Keep the SMS segments in mind: Make sure that your SMSs are no longer than 3-4 segments. One SMS segment consists of 160 characters. It is best that you keep your message short and actionable.

Sending sales promotions through SMS broadcast messaging is an excellent way to reach customers instantly. Utilizing SMS broadcasting software, businesses can announce special offers, discounts, and limited-time deals, driving immediate traffic and boosting sales. With high open rates, text message broadcasting ensures your message is seen quickly by a large audience.

Promoting new products via SMS broadcast software allows businesses to swiftly inform their audience about the latest arrivals. This direct approach ensures customers are among the first to know about new offerings, generating excitement and encouraging early purchases through a reliable SMS broadcast system.

Verifying accounts and payment methods through an SMS broadcast service provides a secure and efficient solution. By sending verification codes directly to customers’ mobile phones, businesses can enhance security, reduce fraud, and ensure a smooth authentication process. This highlights what the broadcast text means in a security context.

Sending appointment reminders via broadcast SMS messages is a highly effective way to reduce no-shows and keep customers informed. By leveraging an SMS broadcast service, businesses can ensure that appointments are remembered and confirmed, enhancing customer satisfaction and streamlining appointment management.

Offering customer support through a broadcast text message service provides a convenient and responsive way for businesses to assist customers. It allows quick resolution of inquiries, updates on service statuses, and proactive communication on issues. This enhances satisfaction by delivering timely support directly to mobile devices.

Conducting surveys using SMS broadcast services enables businesses to gather feedback efficiently. By sending surveys directly to customers’ phones through message broadcast software, businesses can collect valuable insights quickly and conveniently. This approach increases engagement and allows for informed decision-making based on real-time responses.

Conducting recruitment activities via text broadcast service offers businesses a direct and efficient way to reach potential candidates. By using SMS broadcast software to send job announcements, interview invitations, and application updates, businesses can streamline the recruitment process and engage with candidates in real-time, attracting qualified talent.

Communicating important information through broadcast texting ensures timely and direct delivery to recipients. Whether it’s urgent updates, policy changes, or critical alerts, businesses can use SMS broadcast systems to reach their audience instantly and effectively. This enhances communication efficiency by providing a clear answer to what is a broadcast text message used for.

Here are a few questions you can ask yourself before signing up for a texting software – 

Are you having trouble managing and improving your text message campaigns? 

It’s very easy to lose track of various conversations, broadcast text message service helps you easily tag, group and even assign conversations so that you are on top of all your customer queries. You can also access major metrics, run A/B tests and use automation to constantly improve your campaign performance.

Do you spend a lot of time sending one-on-one text messages to your customers? 

Message broadcast software helps you send broadcast texts to multiple customers at the same time, thereby saving time and effort. This also helps you save on the time and effort that goes into conversing with customers via calls or emails. 

Are your customer churn rates high? 

sms broadcast service helps you attract customers and engage with them in a personalized way. In such cases, personalized offers work very well, and constant customer communication helps you keep your customers engaged

Are you in desperate need of speeding up your sales cycle? 

SMS broadcast software integrates with your CRM and helps your representatives answer customer queries and close deals much faster. 

Fact check: What is the customer churn rate? 

Also known as attrition rate, customer churn rate measures the rate at which customers stop doing business with a company over a given period of time. 

Here’s how the customer churn rate is calculated: 

Customer Churn Rate = {Customers at the beginning of a month – Customers at the end of the month} / Customers at the beginning of the month 

An acceptable churn rate is between 0.42%-0.58% on a monthly basis. This means losing 1 out of every 200 customers monthly. Anything above that should be analyzed and necessary corrective measures should be taken to resolve the same.

All in all, SMS broadcast software helps reduce the customer churn rate, shortens the sales cycle, improves engagement, brings in efficiency with respect to managing text message campaigns, and helps broaden the customer base. 

Emitrr is your go-to platform for unparalleled support. With lightning-fast responses and quick solutions, Emitrr outshines the competition. The tailor-made solutions empower your business to not only survive but thrive.

And their track record speaks volumes – most Emitrr customers award them a perfect 5 out of 5. Their exceptional service has won hearts and recommendations, making them the clear choice. Join the league of satisfied Emitrr customers and experience support like never before. 

Effortlessly streamlining workflows demands smooth integration with your current CRM/EMR/EHR/PMS systems. Unlike Haymarket and other options, Emitrr excels in automation thanks to its seamless integrations. 

Emitrr flawlessly incorporates your existing CRM/EMR/EHR/PMS, automating repetitive tasks and supercharging your operational efficiency. 

Emitrr is all about keeping things simple and upfront. Our commitment to transparent pricing ensures that you’ll never be caught off guard by unexpected costs beyond your monthly plan. 

With Emitrr, there’s no need to worry about hidden fees or tricky fine print, what you see is exactly what you’ll pay. We believe in giving you a clear and hassle-free experience, so you can focus on what matters most – achieving your business goals.

Emitrr’s unique offering lets you seamlessly add unlimited users to any plan, a feature that comes at no extra cost. This means you can effortlessly bring more hands on deck as your business flourishes, all without worrying about your budget.

Whether you’re a small startup or an established enterprise, Emitrr empowers you to build your dream team without stretching your budget. 

Join us and experience the freedom to grow and succeed with Emitrr by your side.

Send bulk/broadcast SMS in less than 10 minutes using your current phone number through Emitrr’s text message marketing capability. We make group texting easy and fun, you can easily personalize your messages, and follow up with responses through drip campaigns. Not only that, but you can track the performance of your campaigns and monitor the response rate. For a detailed tutorial on sending SMS broadcast messages through Emitrr, check out this video:

How do I broadcast SMS messages?

You send a broadcast SMS message to the contact list of your choice using Emitrr’s SMS broadcasting feature.

How is an SMS broadcast different from a group text message? 

When we talk about group text vs mass text, there is a slight difference with respect to the way the messages are received. In the case of an SMS broadcast message, the recipients will receive the text message individually. You will be able to send messages to multiple contacts without a group message. In the case of a group text, all the recipients will be a part of a group and every message sent or received will be visible to all members of the group.

Is SMS broadcast software expensive?

The pricing strategy of each SMS broadcast software varies depending on the usage of the business. The major players that offer broadcast messaging charge monthly, with starting prices as low as $29. Nevertheless, the more messages you send, the more cost-effective it will be for you. 

Can I send an SMS broadcast through my phone? 

Yes, absolutely. Whether you have iOS or Android, you can easily send out broadcast messages through your phone. You just need to have the broadcast text message service installed on your phone. 

When you have to send marketing communications to multiple contacts at once, broadcast messages can save the day for you, not just in terms of time taken but also the cost. From understanding your target audience to measuring the success of your campaigns, SMS broadcast software is a great tool to invest in. 

With texting quickly becoming the most preferred communication channels among users all over the world, not using texting to engage with your customers can prove to be a costly mistake, schedule a demo today.

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