mass text messaging - complete guide

Mass Text Messaging has become a great medium for businesses to communicate and engage with their customers. Since people check their phones for messages more than any other app, it is evident that the best way to reach out to them is via text messages. 

Fun fact: About 70% of the customers opt-in to receive text messages from businesses.

Considering the extensive scope of text messaging, businesses are capitalizing on the same to boost engagement, sales, and revenue. Mass text messaging is a cost-effective way to reach out to a huge group of people, in a short amount of time. 

In this article, we’re going to familiarize you with all things Mass Text Messaging, explore how it differs from group texting, why you should use it, how you can implement it in your operations, and the best practices to follow. If you’re a business wanting to streamline your workflows, automate tasks, and improve customer communication and engagement; grab your cup of coffee and keep reading! 

Mass Text Messaging is a texting practice that allows you to send a text to multiple contacts without a group message. With mass texting, you can send a text message to a lot of people at once, thereby saving time and effort. 

When you send messages to a large group of people, those messages reach your contacts separately instead of a group message, and every response that you receive will be a separate message thread. 

Here are some key things you must know about mass text messages: 

  1. Mass messaging usually needs a specialized mass texting service or text messaging software that is TCPA compliant
  2. In the case of mass text messages, there is a limit to the number of contacts that you can send mass SMS to. The contact limit for iOS is 25, for Android is 20, and for Whatsapp is 256. However, if you opt for a mass texting app, then you can send mass texts to as many contacts as you want.
  3. Mass text messages undergo carrier vetting, a process that requires businesses to comply with regulatory and statutory requirements while running text message campaigns. Carrier vetting allows businesses to send more than 10 messages per second. Some services even allow you to send more than 40 messages per second using shortcodes. 
  4. Earlier, short code text messaging was the only way for businesses to send mass texts. But now businesses can use 10-digit phone numbers for the same, provided that they have the 10DLC approval.  But, with the necessary approvals and registrations in place, you can send unlimited mass texts. 
  5. You can easily facilitate personalized mass text messaging with mass text messaging software. With mass texts, there are now software available that can easily help you not only personalize messages but also schedule them at a later time.
  6. On Mass texts, while the messages will be sent to all contacts at once, the recipients wouldn’t be able to see each other’s text messages. If a recipient responds to a message, it will initiate a one-on-one text conversation with the sender.

You must be wondering why you should be using mass text messaging. Here are some benefits you can enjoy by implementing mass messaging: 

  1. Mass texting is inexpensive
  2. Mass texting offers better engagement and accessibility
  3. Mass text messaging saves time  
  4. Mass messaging is simple to understand and implement
  5. Mass text messaging delivers a personalized experience

Mass text messaging is a preferred method of communication in the following scenarios: 

Mass text messages are a great medium for sending appointment and payment reminders to customers. If you have been leaving voicemails for such reminders to your customers all this while, then it is time that you switch to a text messaging platform that allows you to send mass SMSs. Here is an example: 

“Dear {first name}, your appointment has been scheduled for tomorrow, at 4 pm. Press “C” to confirm your appointment or “R” to Reschedule.”

Through mass texting, businesses can send promotional texts to recipients while saving time and money, one can drive engagement using personalization. Here’s an example of a promotional message: 

“Hey, Adam! Don’t miss out on your World Health Day Sale this weekend! Avail a 10% discount on all dental services!”

When you offer a service to a customer and want to know their thoughts, mass texts are to generate both feedback and online reviews. In your mass text, you can also attach a Google review link. So if a customer reads your text and is willing to leave a review, he/she can directly click the attached link and provide feedback. 

You can simply text “Hey, we are happy to have served you and would love to hear your feedback. Please tell us how we did by clicking the link below. We promise it won’t take more than 2 minutes. Thanks!”

Suppose there is a hurricane in your state and you have around 20 customer appointments scheduled at your business. How will you inform your customers that your business will be closed for two days? Will you text or call each of them individually? Well, good luck with that! Mass text messaging will help you easily pick the recipients from your list, type the message, and send it to all those people at once. That’s it, you’re done!

Mass texts are a great way to follow up with your customers. 

Did you know that around 70 percent of customers say that they would rather receive a test message than a phone call from a business? 

To leverage this, you can easily send personalized and automated text messages to your customers. Here’s an example: 

“Hey {first name}, this is {your name} from ABC Real Estate. I am happy to announce that we have a place that perfectly matches your needs. Would you be able for a quick meet-up? If yes, please feel free to block a time on my calendar <insert calendar link>.” 

Healthcare organizations and medical professionals can utilise mass text messaging to communicate effectively with their patients :

  • Generating feedback texts
  • Running health awareness campaigns 
  • Sending payment and appointment reminders 
  • Sending alerts/emergency texts 

Educational institutions need to communicate frequently with parents, staff and students, which is why group messaging is a great way to engage and save time. Here are the top use cases of group texting for educational institutions:

  • Keeping parents updated on the daily activities held
  • Informing parents on weather-related or other emergencies
  • Sharing updates on any news on holidays
  • Seasonal greetings 
  • Payment reminders 
  • Event reminders 

Home service businesses have a plethora of projects at hand and have customers who need services pertaining to heating, ventilation, plumbing, landscaping, electrical installation and repairs. With operations-focused businesses mass  texting is especially beneficial:

  • Share discount coupons and offers 
  • Follow up with customers for feedback
  • Send updates about any alterations in appointments 
  • Send survey forms and review requests

Churches need to engage with their community on a regular basis, which is why they need mass text messaging to communicate effectively with people without spending too much time. Let’s look at the top use cases of mass texting for churches:

  • Informing about community events 
  • Updating about changes in gatherings and bible classes
  • Running volunteer campaigns
  • Sending reminders about church services

Non-profit organizations have a wide audience as they operate to spread awareness among the masses and strive to make their surroundings better. For such organizations, mass messaging works wonders and can assist in generating more donations and public interest. 

Here’s how nonprofits can utilize mass texting: 

  • Sending motivational texts
  • Sharing updates on ongoing projects 
  • Informing the public about important news and events 
  • Sharing requirements for volunteers for a cause 

Since recruitment agencies act as a bridge between companies and candidates, mass text messaging is a great way for them to keep things on track and generate more candidate interest. Here’s how recruitment agencies can use mass messaging:

  • Sharing updates about job openings
  • Sending reminders about job fairs 
  • Sharing important job alerts

Real estate businesses grow only by establishing, managing, and nurturing relationships with their clients. For such companies, mass texting is a great way to streamline operations and keep prospects engaged. Here are some top use cases of mass text messaging for real estate owners: 

  • Sending promotional texts 
  • Sharing information regarding special offers 
  • Garnering feedback from clients 
  • Sharing updates on upcoming open houses

Let’s have a look at some mass texting templates for the above-mentioned industries. 

Hi [Patient Name], hope you were content with the services of [Hospital Name]. Can you take 2 mins and fill this Feedback form and share your experience with us? [Link] Thank you!”

Hi [Patient Name], as part of the ongoing Heart Month celebrations, here is a list of everyday exercises you can do to keep your heart healthy! ” 

Hi [Patient Name]! Just a friendly reminder that you have an appointment scheduled for tomorrow at [Time] on [Date]. If you have any questions or need to reschedule, please let us know. Looking forward to seeing you soon!”

Hi [Patient Name], this is to inform you that due to the blizzard, the practice will remain shut for the next 2 days.” 

Read our article on appointment reminder templates to access more templates. 

Read our article on SMS Templates for Schools to access more templates. 

“Save the date! Our upcoming event, [Event Name], is just around the corner. We’d love to see you there. Stay tuned for more details!”

“Looking to deepen your understanding of the Bible? Join our Bible Study group every [Day] at [Time]. It’s a great way to connect, learn, and grow spiritually. Will we see you there?”

“We’re always looking for volunteers to help with various church activities and ministries. If you’re interested in giving your time and talents, please let us know. Your contribution makes a difference!”

“Our church is committed to helping you grow in faith. You can use our library any time you want. We also have accommodations for people in need. To know more about church resources click the link here [Link], or call our office at [Phone Number].

Read our article on Church SMS templates to access more templates. 

“Every act of kindness counts! Thank you for your dedication and passion. Remember, small actions can lead to big changes. “

“Exciting News! Our [Project Name] is making great progress. We’ve [insert achievement]. Thank you for your support! Stay tuned for more updates.”

“Join us for [Event Name] on [Date] at [Location]. Together, we can make a difference. Don’t miss out! RSVP today.”

“Looking for passionate volunteers for [Cause]. Your time and effort can make a significant impact. Interested? Reply ‘YES’ to learn more.”

“Hello [candidate name], I’m [name], a recruiter representing [company]. Our team is currently seeking a skilled [job title] and we believe that your background aligns well with what we’re looking for. Kindly respond and indicate whether you’d like to explore further details about this opportunity!”

Hello [Candidate name], this is to remind you that the Job fair will be held in [Location] at [TIme]. Ensure you register before coming to the event. [Registration Link]” 

“ New Job Opportunity Alert!  Looking for a career change? Our client, [Company Name], is seeking a [Position] to join their passionate team. If you have the skills and experience, we want to hear from you! Learn more and apply now: [Job Posting Link]. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity! ” 

Read our article on recruiting text templates to access more templates. 

“Hi {{customer name}}, we have a property that will pique your interest. Immaculate  {{Bedrooms}} {{Bathrooms}} residence with stunning {{feature}}, located in {{Desirable Area}}. Spacious layout, modern amenities. Don’t miss out, schedule a tour today!”

“Exciting News! A fantastic property is on the horizon. Stay tuned for our upcoming listing that offers modern features, a great location, and more. Your dream home could be right here! “

“Hi {{customer name}}, it has been a great journey helping you realize your real estate goals! We value your feedback on your recent experience with us. Your insights will help us ensure consistent service for all customers. Could you please take a few minutes to give us your feedback, if any? {{link}}”

“ Hi {{customer name}}, your dream home is an open house away! Join us on {{date}} at {{time}} and check out this beautiful property at {{address}}. Hope to see you there. Feel free to contact us for any questions.”

Read our article on real estate text templates to access more templates. 

When it comes to mass text messaging, here are some do’s and don’ts that you need to be mindful of: 


  • Get the informed consent of the customers before sending them marketing messages 
  • Only send messages to those contacts who have opted-in to receive messages from your business 
  • Keep the messages short and crisp with a strong call to action
  • Make sure that the timing of your messages is just right 
  • Allow people to opt out of receiving communications 
  • Add a personal touch to your message 


  • Don’t make your mass text messages too salesy 
  • Don’t use complex language or too much jargon 
  • Don’t send texts too frequently to avoid getting marked as spam
  • Don’t send messages at odd times 

The best and the most feasible way to send a mass text message to your contacts is by using a mass texting app. Here’s how you can send a mass text message :

  1. Draft the message
  1. Upload Contacts
  1. Hit Send

Note: You can either send the message immediately or schedule it for a later date. 

As we just discussed in the section above, the best way to send mass texts for businesses is through a mass texting service. However, when choosing a mass text messaging service, you need to check the number and kind of integrations it offers. Why though? 

The mass text messaging service’s integrations with PMS/EHR will determine how you can:

  1. Personalize mass texts and,
  2. Send automated mass text campaigns

A good text messaging platform will offer native integrations with popular PMS/EHR to make mass text messaging easier! 

Apart from looking at essential PMS/EHR integration, here are some factors you should assess before finalizing on a mass text messaging service. 

An intuitive and easy-to-use platform would make it easy for you to set up processes. It might complicate things further if it requires a huge learning curve. The best mass texting service would simplify uploading contacts, creating the message, and hitting send! 

A good mass texting service will offer high delivery rates. What good is using a mass texting service if the messages you send are not getting delivered?

It’s necessary that when you start a campaign using a mass texting service you comply with TCPA guidelines. TCPA guidelines state that businesses must obtain prior express consent from recipients before sending marketing messages. Violations can result in fines up to $1,500 per unsolicited text.

Determine how much you are willing to spend before looking at the platforms and choose one that falls in your price range and also offers enough features. There are many platforms out there that start as low as $15 and go upto $300. They differ in quality, features, support options, etc.

Product reviews are the best way to determine if the mass text message service is the perfect fit for your business. You can check for reviews on Google, Facebook or popular listing platforms such as Capterra or G2. 

In order to send mass text messages to your customers, the in-built messaging feature on your phones and apps like WhatsApp are not ideal or efficient. Here are some reasons why your regular texting options don’t stand a chance against the efficiency offered by mass texting apps: 

  1. You cannot manage a database of your customers through your mobile devices: It’s difficult to segment different customers or add further details about the customers on mobile devices. The information that you add about your customers could help you craft a better, personalized message and as a result, drive better engagement.
  2. Limited scope of personalization: The usual mass texting methods limit the scope of text message personalization. Messages that are addressed to the customer have a better engagement rate than those that are not. In short, you may lose out on customer attention by not personalizing the messages they receive.
  3. The possibility of getting the number marked as spam: Since texting through phones is considered P2P texting (person to person) and not A2P (Application to person), if you send mass texts through the phone it is likely to get marked as spam. You need a business texting software that allows for A2P texting. This will in turn ensure that messages don’t get marked as spam and also ensure a high delivery and response rate.
  4. Lack of HIPAA Compliance: Any sensitive information transfer cannot be done through the Android, ioS, and WhatsApp because they are not fully encrypted. HIPAA compliance is another factor that healthcare businesses need to be wary of.
  5. You cannot schedule messages: Message scheduling is an important feature that will allow you to communicate with customers at the desired time. Once you’ve scheduled a message you can be free of the burden and set your sights on other tasks. It can help make the communication processes in your business way easier and automated.
  6. Lack of integration options: Normal text messaging via phones does not allow for any integration with CRMs. With such integrations out of the picture bringing in more customer data and managing their information becomes impossible.
  7. Task delegation is not possible: It does not provide any opportunity for task delegation. For every reply that you receive from a customer, the person with the mobile device has to be the one answering it every time. You cannot delegate or forward messages to intended departments for follow-ups.
  8. Easily manage multiple conversations: Managing multiple communication threads on mobile devices is also a huge challenge, with a mass texting app, you can drive personalized conversations with ease.
  9. Automating mass texting: This can be used for review campaigns, send reminders, do payment follow-ups, etc. Automating texts is not an option when using Android, IOS, and WhatsApp for mass texting.

You can send mass text messages through Emitrr in less than 10 minutes using your current phone number. All you need to do is import your contact list, compose your message, and hit send! There are a variety of SMS templates that you can use while drafting your messages. 

Not only that, but you can personalize your messages to build a strong rapport with your customers. If implemented properly, mass text messaging has the potential to bring great results for any business. 

To know how mass text messaging works on Emitrr, check out this video: 

How is mass text messaging different from one-on-one text messaging?

In one-to-one messaging or two-way text messaging, the messages are more personalized and in real-time. In this type of texting, the message is unique to each user and tailored to their needs. On the other hand, mass text messaging is done when you need to send messages to a large group of people at the same time. This type of messaging is useful when you want to reach out to maximum people in a short amount of time. 

How is mass messaging different from group texting? 

Mass texting and group texting are often used interchangeably, but they’re quite different. In group texting, the recipients engage in a closed group and can see each other’s responses. On the other hand, in mass texting, the messages reach the recipients separately and each response creates a separate message thread with the sender. 

How to send out mass texts for business?

If you want to send mass text messages, you need to invest in a good mass messaging app, as not only will it help you streamline your communication but will also help you save a lot of time and effort. When you have a mass texting app, you just need to import your contacts, type your message, and either send it immediately or schedule it for later. 

Mass Text vs Group MMS: What is the difference between the two?

MMS group messaging is different from mass text messaging in the sense that it is an extension of group texting that allows businesses and individuals to seamlessly communicate with a large number of recipients using multimedia content like images, audio, and video files. 

Mass text messaging is a form of messaging that is increasingly being adopted by businesses of all sizes, owing to the benefits that it offers. If you’re looking forward to achieving your business goals both internally and externally, then it is time that you make a switch from regular, time-consuming, and costly means of communicating with your customers, and try out mass texting. To learn more, book a demo now! 

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